Thursday, December 18, 2008

Working to Keep Grant Money in Rockland

In this time of economic crisis, Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci and Rockland County Clerk Paul Piperato took a proactive step to help local municipalities secure grant funding, by co-sponsoring a Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Grant Workshop. The purpose of LGRMIF grants is to help local governments improve records management programs. Carlucci & Piperato teamed up in order to get as much grant funding as possible to stay in Rockland County.
Grant funds are collected through County Clerk recording fees throughout the state. In order to keep funds collected within Rockland, it is essential that local municipalities apply for funds through the LGRMIF grant process. In other words, the money is available, but will either go uncollected, if grants are not sought or will go to local governments in other regions of the state, if Rockland officials do not take an active role in seeking these funds.
Carlucci stated, “Past workshops are what provided me with the knowledge of how to seek state monies to improve Clarkstown’s recordkeeping. That knowledge enabled me to acquire state funding for two consecutive grant cycles, and it is my hope that this workshop will do the same for others in the county.” This workshop worked with representatives from local school and fire districts, as well as municipalities, to learn what funding is available and how to effectively apply for it. The workshop was presented by Linda Bull, Regional Advisory Officer for the New York State Archives Region 9 Office. For more information or questions, please contact David Carlucci at 845-639-2010.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Clarkstown Distributing Potassium Iodide

Supervisor Alex Gromack and Town Clerk David Carlucci have announced that the Town Clerk's office is currently distributing potassium iodide (KI) pills to the residents of Clarkstown. Potassium iodide pills are designed to fill the thyroid gland with iodine, which stops the thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine (radioiodine). Radioactive Iodine is one of the elements that could be released into the air in the event of a nuclear accident at the Indian Point power plant. Supervisor Gromack stresses that the distribution of these pills is purely a preventative measure, which is being provided to residents at no cost. "The most important part of any emergency plan is prevention," said Supervisor Gromack. "Of course we all hope there will never be a real need to take the pills, but it only makes sense to have them on hand for ourselves and our families, just in case."
The radioiodine, if released in an accident at the Indian Point nuclear power plant would pose the greatest risk to children. If a release did occur, County health officials would direct the affected residents to take these pills as soon as possible and would let them know when it would be safe to stop.
The dose that is recommended for children 18 or younger is 65 mg—the minimum amount that would be effective—but children can be given an adult dosage if a child's dosage is unavailable. Each dose is effective for about twenty-four hours after it is taken.
For most people it is safe to take KI in the correct amount, but each person should contact his or her physician before consuming it to make sure that there would be no negative side effects. As with any medication, it is important to review the full list of warnings before taking KI. It is a non-prescription drug, and can be stored for years if put into a dry, dark and cool place.
Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci stated, "In consideration of Clarkstown's proximity to Indian Point, keeping a dose of potassium iodide for every household member is a prudent precautionary measure." The Town Clerk's office, which is located in the Town Hall at 10 Maple Avenue in New City, will be open from 9:00-5:00 from Monday through Friday (late hours from 9AM-8PM will be offered on November27th and can be reached at (845) 639-2010 or by visiting the helpful link section of the Town Clerk's website,, for further information. Residents are required to sign release forms prior to receiving medication.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Carlucci Earns CMC Designation

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci recently graduated from the Cornell Institute for Municipal Clerks. Carlucci completed the part-time, three year program, earning him a designation as a Certified Municipal Clerk. Cornell’s program will greatly benefit the residents of Clarkstown with the professional training in cutting edge techniques, programs and services that can be provided to the community. Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Carlucci’s Mobile Office a Success!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci teamed up with Dina Nejman, Service Coordinator for Aging in America Community Services, to promote the New York State Crime Victims Program and speak to residents, as well as address their concerns at the Town Clerk’s mobile office on Saturday, December 13, 2008 at the New City Library. Carlucci also provided free Notary Services, issued dog licenses, handicapped parking tags, and Super Saver bus tickets, and made Town Clerk forms and applications available for residents. Carlucci stated, “The mobile office hours fit my mission to make the Town Clerk’s office as accessible and user friendly as possible.” Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

“No Excuse” Absentee Voting

A very easy way to increase voter turn out in New York State, and especially in Rockland County, is to enact “no excuse” absentee voting. Currently, “no excuse” absentee voting is not allowed in 21 states, including New York. In such states, excuses like having to work and a lack of a babysitter or transportation to the polls are not considered legitimate excuses. A majority of other states offer voters the option of voting by mail for any reason, and the State of Oregon holds its entire election completely by mail.
As a young professional, I know all too well how many in our community, especially people right out of college, live in Rockland and commute out of the county every day. Battling the traffic on the Tappan Zee Bridge and traversing 287 should be reason alone to be able to vote absentee. Many commuters would benefit from “no excuse” absentee voting.
The men and women that work hard at the Board of Elections have a great deal of responsibility in protecting the integrity of our elections. By eliminating this requirement of excuses, the Board of Elections can spend more time on making sure that the people applying for an absentee ballot are actually registered and are who they claim to be, instead of deciding whether or not their excuses for an absentee ballot fall under the requirements of New York State election law.
Our community can benefit greatly by allowing all of our residents the opportunity to vote absentee, no matter what their reason may be.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Scouting the Records

Town Clerk David Carlucci recently welcomed Boy Scout Pack Number 46, Den Number 8, who took a tour of the Town Clerk’s office and looked at some historical documents, prior to attending a Town Board Meeting. The Boy Scouts visited town hall to learn how local government works. The Den Leaders are Robert Welsome and Alan Sutherland. The Scouts are Jack Welsome, Alexander Sutherland, Carrington Gregori, Nicholas Fischetti, Zachary Lipson, Marc Ronda, John Parrott, and Michael Parrott. For other youth groups interested in a tour of the Town Clerk’s office, please call David Carlucci at 845-639-2010.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

American Democracy Institute

Recently, Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci was invited to attend the American Democracy Institute Leadership Forum at NYU. American Democracy Institute (ADI) is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization comprised of a network of young leaders from various industries. ADI works with emerging leaders, ages 25-40, based on their records of accomplishment and commitment to positive social change. ADI Forums focus on skill-building programs, problem-solving initiatives, and growing a network of top young leaders. Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Text for Absentee Ballot Application!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci has been working hard to make the services of government as accessible and user friendly as possible. Now, David Carlucci is asking those who will be out of town for the Presidential Election on November 4th to apply for an absentee ballot. To make this process as simple as possible, Carlucci has created an easy way to get an absentee ballot! All you have to do is get out your cell phone and apply now! Just text the word ‘ABSENTEE’ to 41411 from any cell phone. You will get a message back within a minute giving you all the information you need to apply for the absentee ballot. The text you receive will give you a link to the absentee application, then just fill out the form, print, sign, and mail to the Board of Elections at 11 New Hempstead Road, New City, NY 10956. All absentee Ballot Applications must be postmarked by October 28th. Voting is not just a right, but a privilege, a privilege that Americans can’t take for granted. If you will be away at school, on vacation or unable to make it to the polls for any reason on Election Day and have not applied for your absentee ballot yet, do it today. For further information contact David Carlucci at (845) 639-2010 or visit

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Needs Your Help!

I would like to let everone know about a leadership opportunity for students while they support the lifesaving mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is forming a new Cure Finders Student Youth Board. Cure Finders is the CF Foundation's annual school fund-raising program for grades K through 12, working for a cure to a disease which affects about 30,000 children and adults in the United States.
Members of this prestigious panel will recruit schools to participate in Cure Finders, organize and lead other students and volunteers in fund-raising activities, and raise awareness of cystic fibrosis and the need to fund lifesaving CF research and care. Students engage in friendly competitions, to see which classroom can raise the most funds for CF research and care. They also compete with other schools in their communities (and nationwide) for the honor of becoming the top Cure Finders school in the country.
With the school year just beginning, many students are looking for ways to earn community service hours. Serving on the Cure Finders Student Youth Board would be a great way to serve our community and gain leadership skills, while making a difference in the fight against Cystic Fibrosis. If you know a middle or high schooler with leadership potential and the desire to make a difference, then I urge you to nominate the student to serve on the Student Youth Board at
I would love to hear about Clarkstown students who volunteer for this and other causes and recognize them through my I Caught You Doing Something Great Program, If you catch someone doing a good deed, or anything truly inspiring, e-mail that person’s name and what it is that they did to the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office at or contact me at (845) 639-2010. Remember, we can desire change, but sometimes we have to be a part of that change to make it happen. I can think of no better way to do that than by volunteering.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Carlucci teams up with Congresswoman Lowey & Assemblyman Zebrowski to Support Veterans

Last week, Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci & Assemblyman Zebrowski had the good fortune of accompanying Congresswoman Nita Lowey during a tour of the Volunteer Counseling Service of Rockland. During this visit, Congresswoman Lowey met with veterans that volunteer their time and expertise for a program called Vets for Vets. Vets for Vets provides peer support for veterans returning home from military service. For more information on Vets for Vets please call VCS at 845-634-5729 ext. 313 or visit their website at

Monday, July 14, 2008

Chinese Students Visit Clarkstown

Clarkstown Town Hall’s auditorium was filled last week with visiting students from China interested in how local government works. The students are pictured here with Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci, who spoke about what the duties of a Town Clerk are and Clarkstown Code & Zoning Enforcement Officer Joel Epstein, who spoke about code enforcement issues. Chinese students have been visiting Clarkstown’s Town Hall as part of an annual tour of the United States. Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Remarkable Exhibit

The other day I had the good fortune of experiencing one of the Historical Society of Rockland County’s exhibits titled, “Sports in Rockland County: 100 Years of Cheers.” It was amazing to see the vintage sports equipment, memorabilia and rare photographs. One of the many photographs that was very exciting to see was of baseball legend Babe Ruth, practicing right here in Haverstraw. The employees and volunteers at the Historical Society of Rockland County did an extraordinary job collecting all of the material and presenting it in such a fun and imaginative way. Walking through the exhibit, it is easy to envision what the cheers must have been like 100 years ago. I recommend to anyone that is interested in the History of our county to take a trip to the Historical Society of Rockland to see this remarkable exhibit.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Carlucci’s Mobile Office A Great Success

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci teamed up with Councilman Frank Borelli to speak to residents and address their concerns at his monthly mobile office on Saturday, June 21, 2008, at the Valley Cottage Library. Carlucci also provided free Notary Services, issued dog licenses and handicapped parking tags, and made Town Clerk forms and applications available for residents. Carlucci stated, “The mobile office hours really fit my mission to make the Town Clerk’s office as accessible and user friendly as possible.” Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

231st birthday of the American Flag!!

June 14th of this year marks the 231st birthday of the US Flag. Many of us mark the day by flying our flags, wearing something patriotic, or attending a patriotic event. Much like the 4th of July, many of us celebrate the day with a good, old-fashioned barbeque. As Americans, whatever we choose to do on Flag Day, we should all pause to reflect on what the American Flag means to each of us. With our brave men and women in the armed forces serving so valiantly during this time of war, it is especially important to commemorate their service to our country by honoring the very flag veterans of past wars courageously fought to defend. Without their sacrifices, none of us would have a flag to honor.
The Flag of the United States of America is a source of pride that deserves our deepest respect. To respect a flag properly, when it is ready to be retired, is to burn it in a special Flag Retirement Ceremony. That is why I am asking the residents of Clarkstown to drop off their old, worn flags to the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office at 10 Maple Avenue, New City, N.Y. We will then make sure the flags are retired in the proper manner.
Last year, I instituted an essay contest open to all Clarkstown residents. The essay’s theme was: “What the American Flag Means to Me.” Type-written essays should be submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office by July 31, 2008, and include the writer’s name, address, age, and a phone number. The contest winner’s achievement and name will be written in an archival book that will become part of the Town of Clarkstown’s permanent archives. It is my hope that the Clarkstown residents who participate in this contest will be able to have a forum to express their feelings for our flag and how much it means to them. As proud Americans, may we long honor our nation’s symbol, not just this Flag Day, but every day.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Carlucci Swears In Clarkstown’s Finest

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci had the honor of swearing in three of Clarkstown Police Department’s Finest, Police Officers Robert Fortune, Joseph Caivano, and Christopher Bax, on June 4, 2008. The officers took an oath to protect and serve the people of Clarkstown in Chief Peter Noonan’s office, surrounded by family. The commitment Police Officer Robert Fortune, Police Officer Joseph Caivano, Police Officer Christopher Bax and their families have made to our community is to be commended.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Jacob Youmans

Descendents of Jacob Youmans, along with Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci & Commissioner of Veteran Affairs Jerry Donnellon, dedicated a long overdue plaque received from the federal government in honor of Jacob Youmans’ service to our country during the Civil War. In 1862, at the age of 18, Jacob Youmans decided to enlist in the US Army. On August 14, 1862, Jacob Youmans became a private. On September 2, 1862 Jacob was mustered into the army in Yonkers, NY. He was in Company K, Regular New York Heavy Artillery Volunteers. Jacob was in the army for a few months. Then, on December 23, 1862 he was admitted to the Army Hospital at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, MD with typhoid fever. He died three days later. Jacob was later buried right here in the Youmans Family Cemetery across from the present day Clarkstown Town Hall.

Friday, May 2, 2008

New Metered Parking Waiver!

As an issuing agent of handicapped-parking permits, I would like to inform everyone of a new metered parking waiver that is offered by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. The waiver is intended for use by those individuals whose severe disabilities make it extremely difficult to put payment into a parking meter when traveling alone; thereby, allowing the holder to park in a metered parking space, anywhere in New York State, without paying the meter fee. This applies to all metered parking spaces, even those that are not reserved for persons with disabilities. However, the following restrictions apply: the waiver holder must be driving the vehicle; and therefore hold a valid NYS Driver’s License, must not be accompanied by a person who is able to put payment into a meter, and must observe any time limits associated with metered parking spaces. The waiver does not replace the parking permit or license plates for the disabled, which requires a separate application. If you park in a space reserved for the disabled that has a parking meter, your vehicle must display the parking permit or plates and the metered parking waiver for you to legally park in that space and not pay the fee.
Applications for a Metered Parking Waiver for Persons with Severe Disabilities, which must be signed by a doctor, are available at the Town Clerk’s Office at 10 Maple Avenue, New City, and on the web site,, for Clarkstown residents who meet all the requirements for a permanent (blue) handicapped-parking permit and have a severe disability that limits one or more of the following: fine motor control in both hands, ability to reach or access a parking meter due to use of a wheelchair or other ambulatory device, and ability to reach a height of 42 inches from the ground due to lack of finger, hand, or upper extremity strength or mobility. New York residents outside of Clarkstown should apply for a waiver at their own city, town, or village, not directly to the DMV. Call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions, or go to

Carlucci & Piperato Team Up!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci is pleased to announce that he is teaming up with Rockland County Clerk Paul Piperato to offer Rockland residents the opportunity to apply for or renew their passports at Clarkstown Town Hall during the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s evening hours. The Clarkstown Town Clerk’s evening hours will take place on Tuesday, May 13th, from 5PM – 8PM. Representatives from the Rockland County Clerk’s Office will be available at the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office, 10 Maple Avenue, New City, from 6PM - 8PM, to help those wishing to apply for or renew their passports. For further information, please call David Carlucci at (845) 639-2010 or go to the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s web site,

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Carlucci Addresses Senior Groups

Clarkstown Town Clerk, David Carlucci, spoke to a Senior Citizens group at Monterrey Gardens last week. Carlucci stated, “I always make time to visit various senior clubs and centers to address the concerns of Clarkstown’s seniors. I try to provide information about the services offered by the Town Clerk’s Office, including any changes to laws that may affect them, such as the new metered parking waiver our office issues.” Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.

Friday, April 18, 2008

West Nyack Little League 50th Season!

West Nyack Little league had its opening ceremony to commemorate there 50th season! West Nyack Little League was founded in 1959, breaking away from the Clarkstown Little League. Four major league teams played that first season as the Yankees emerged as champions; the other teams were the Braves, Pirates and Red Sox.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Carlucci Swears In Clarkstown’s Bravest

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci had the honor of swearing in the officers of the Congers Fire Department Alert Hook, Ladder & Engine Co. # 1. The officers took an oath to protect and serve the people of Clarkstown. The commitment these officers of the fire department and their families have made to our community is to be commended.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Evening Hours April 15th!

It seems there is never enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we need to get done. More and more, our work hours encroach upon our personal time, leaving the weekend to rush around, robbing us of what little time we have for family and relaxation. To make matters worse, many errands require taking time off from work, costing us either personal or sick time. Therefore, I am pleased to say that the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office offers evening hours on the nights of the Town Board meetings, the next evening hours will be Tuesday April 15th as we will be open until 8pm.
My mission has been to make the Town Clerk’s Office more accessible to the residents of Clarkstown. Offering evening hours enables residents to avoid the inconvenience of having to take off work simply to avail themselves of the many services we offer. This can be a particular nuisance for couples seeking a marriage license, since it necessitates two people leaving their jobs just to apply.
Tuesday April 15th the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office will remain open until 8pm. My goal has always been to improve the lives of Clarkstown’s residents, with the extended hours being an integral component of achieving that goal.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Carlucci Encourages Kids to Read!

Clarkstown Town Clerk, David Carlucci, read to a first grade class at Laurel Plains Elementary School last week. Carlucci stated, “I always enjoy reading to elementary school classes. The students are so enthusiastic and inquisitive. It’s especially rewarding to visit the Clarkstown schools, since I’m a product of their education.” Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci will hold the Clerk’s mobile office at the Rockland County Youthfest this weekend. Therefore, residents will have the benefit of utilizing the Town Clerk’s services on a day that might be more convenient for them, without having to take time off work. Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci has been setting up mobile offices in different locations throughout Clarkstown in order to provide a convenience to the residents of Clarkstown, so that they may complete multiple errands at the same time.
The next mobile office location will be on Sunday, April 6, 2008, at the Rockland County Youthfest, in the Rockland Community College Fieldhouse in Suffern, from 11AM – 4PM. Forms and applications will be available, free Notary Services, dog licenses and handicapped parking tags will be issued.
Future dates and locations of the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s mobile office and weekend hours are available on the Town Clerk’s online office, For further information, please call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at (845) 639-2010.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Operation Safe Child A Success

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci's Mobile Office teamed up with the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services’ Operation Safe Child Program and processed just under 50 cards for children under the age of 18 at the Nanuet Library this past Sunday. SAFE CHILD Cards serve as an important tool when used in conjunction with the New York State AMBER Alert and Missing Child Alert programs. Due the success of this event and interest expressed by concerned parents, Carlucci plans to invite representatives from Operation Safe Child again. Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions. Carlucci stated, "If this program helps locate just one child, then it was well worth it."

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Officer Installation for Sons of Italy

As a proud Italian-American, Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci is honored to have been named a Trustee at the office installation meeting of the Sons of Italy, Filippo Mazzei Lodge #2207. The following officers were named: President Ann Daino, 1st Vice President Vito Giachetti, 2nd Vice President Frank Covino, State Deputy Mary Princi, and Trustees Donna Butson, Geraldine Corletta, and Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci. Carlucci wishes to congratulate the other officers named at the March meeting of the Sons of Italy and looks forward to working to promote such a prestigious organization.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Carlucci to Speak at Nanuet Civic Association

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci will be the guest speaker at the Nanuet Civic Association’s March 6th meeting at 7:30 PM. The Meeting will be held at the Nanuet Public Library, second floor community room. Carlucci will be talking to the association about many of the new programs and services available to residents at the Town Clerk’s office. Some topics that will be discussed are Carlucci’s Mobile Office, Free Notary Services, Text Message programs, new website features and Operation Safe Child.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Zebrowski & Carlucci’s Weekend Hours a Success!

Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski & Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci teamed up to offer weekend hours, in the form of a mobile office on Sunday, January 27th, at the Shoprite of New City. Forms and applications were distributed, and free Notary Services, dog licenses and handicapped parking tags were issued. Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski met with many residents, answered questions and listened to concerns. Carlucci stated, “By providing a mobile office, residents were able to accomplish three tasks at once. They did business with the Clerk’s Office while taking advantage of the great services Assemblyman Zebrowski provides, all while doing their grocery shopping!” Zebrowski added, “I think David Carlucci is doing a great service by going out to convenient locations at off hours. It was great to see residents who might otherwise not have time to share their opinions with me.”

Friday, February 1, 2008

Remember to Vote February 5th!

For the first time since 1952, neither a sitting president, nor vice president, is seeking the nomination of their party to run for president. This makes the primary process wide open for many candidates, making our vote extremely important! This year, the Presidential Primary is very exciting for New Yorkers. For the first time, the primary has been moved up to February 5th, the earliest it has ever been. Previously, the primary has been held in March, and as we all know, by that time the winner is pretty much all but wrapped up! This Year, on February 5th, we will go to the polls and vote simultaneously with 23 other states.
The purpose of the Presidential Primary is to elect delegates to go to the parties’ national conventions this summer to decide who will carry the banner for their party. In NY, the Republican and Democratic primaries are a little different. For the Democratic Primary, each of the 29 Congressional Districts in NY are like individual primary races. In each Congressional District, a presidential hopeful can get as many as 6 delegates. Therefore, multiple candidates can pick up any number of delegates. Whereas in the Republican Primary, it is winner take all for the whole state!
Both primaries are promising to be very exciting, as NY has one of the greatest number of delegates of any state in the nation. Whether you are a registered Democrat or Republican, go out and make your voice heard, by voting in this very important primary! If you are not registered to vote, it’s not too late! You can register right on my BLOG. Go to and register today! If you are registered to vote, but will be out of town on February 5th, you can still vote absentee. All you have to do is fill out an absentee application, which I have made easy to obtain by texting the word ABSENTEE to 41411. You will receive a link to download an absentee application right on your cell phone!
Voting is not just a right, but a privilege. Take full advantage of one of the rights Americans have fought for, when the polls open on February 5th. If you do not make your own choices by casting your ballot, then you are allowing someone else to choose for you. Besides, you never know if your vote could be the deciding factor in who becomes the next president of the United States!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Carlucci Registers Over 100 Students to Vote!

Being that the last day to register to vote for the New York State Presidential Primary is Friday January 11th. I teamed up with Clarkstown High School North & South Students this week to hold voter registration drives right at their High Schools! We registered over 100 students that most likely would not have registered in time for this years election unless we were there to make it easy for them to register! I was really surprised at how many students actually wanted to register, many of them had said that they were wanting to register for a while but did not know were to do it or just did not have the time! Many of the students that were not 18 yet still seemed interested and I think it cemented the idea with them that as soon as they are of age they will register and not even think twice about it!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Zebrowski & Carlucci Team Up To Help Residents!

Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski & Clarkstown Town Clerk, David Carlucci will offer weekend hours, in the form of a mobile office on Sunday January 27th, at the Shoprite of New City on Main St., from 11AM – 1PM. Forms and applications will be available, free Notary Services, dog licenses and handicapped parking tags will be issued, and even marriages can be performed. Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski will also be available to meet with residents, answer questions and listen to concerns. Carlucci stated, “By providing a mobile office, residents will be able to accomplish two tasks at once. They can do business with the Clerk’s Office while taking advantage of the great services Assemblyman Zebrowski provides, all while doing their grocery shopping!” Zebrowski added, “I think David Carlucci is doing a great service by going out to convenient locations at off hours. I look forward to seeing residents who might otherwise not have time to share their opinions with me.” For further information, please call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at (845) 639-2010 or go