Friday, April 30, 2010

Help Clarkstown Get High-Speed Internet!

Clarkstown is one of more than 1,100 cities and towns across the U.S. that have asked Google to speed up their Internet connections as part of the company's "Google Fiber" project. The search-engine giant says it will build the infrastructure for affordable, ultra-high-speed Internet connections in one or more communities, with the hopes of serving 50,000 to 500,000 people. Google plans to choose the winning community or communities by the end of the year.
In Clarkstown, we submitted a thorough application and in part of that process they ask that we show strong community support. Hence I created a blog for Clarkstown residents to post comments about how great it will be if we get "Google Fiber" in Clarkstown. Please post in the comments section reasons why it will be beneficial for the Town of Clarkstown to have ultra-high-speed Internet connections (Google states that it could be up to 100 times faster then what many clarkstown residents and businesses have access to today.) go to Do your part and show your support by posting a comment today!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Make every day Earth Day!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci has been making it possible for Clarkstown residents to participate in several recycling programs. There are many Earth Day projects happening this week, but the Town Clerk’s recycling programs are ongoing, allowing residents to help care for our planet year round. Empty ink cartridges, cell phones, and old eyeglasses can be dropped off at the Town Clerk’s Office, 10 Maple Avenue, New City. Proceeds from the recycling of the ink cartridges and cell phones will benefit local non-profits and the eyeglasses will be recycled by the Lion’s Club to help those in need. Rather than having all these unwanted items filling up our landfills, imagine how much good they could do, simply by dropping them off at the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office. Carlucci has also made a huge impact on the amount of paper the Town of Clarkstown consumes. By emailing all of the Town Board Minutes/docs and having the Town Code easily accessible and searchable on the Towns website, Clarkstown has reduced its paper usage substantially! Simple changes can make a large difference, if we all do what we can, together we can have a substantial impacted!
For further information, please call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at (845) 639-2010 or visit our web site,