Friday, July 20, 2007

Register to Vote with your Cell Phone!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci has long been a proponent of getting eligible citizens registered to vote. In the 2006 election, 18-29 year olds represented only 13% of all votes cast. This is a steady increase from previous years, but more of America’s youth need to get their voices heard. In an effort to increase voter turnout in the younger demographic, David Carlucci is making voter registration easier via a type of technology used daily. Now, registering to vote is as easy as using your cell phone to text a message. The same text-messaging service on your mobile phone that you use to send messages to friends like, “Where r u?,” can simply be used to help you ROCK THE VOTE! Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci is asking those who are not registered to vote or who have moved and need to register at their new address, to get out their cell phones and REGISTER NOW! Just text the keyword ‘clerk’ to 75444 from any cell phone. You’ll get a message asking for your e-mail address via a short text-message conversation. The e-mail you receive will give you state-specific instructions. Then just print, sign, and mail. Voting is not just a right, but a privilege, a privilege that Americans can’t take for granted. If you have not registered to vote yet, do it today.

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