Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Carlucci Honors Proud Americans

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci acknowledged Sister Stephen Gerard, O.P., Principal of St. Paul School, Valley Cottage, Nina Kwiecinski, Daughter of the American Revolution, Shatemuc Chapter, Stony Point, and Joseph Miele, Korean War Veteran, New City, with Certificates of Achievement at the August 14th Town Board Meeting held at Clarkstown Town Hall. They were recognized for being the winners of the first essay contest sponsored by Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci in honor of the 230th birthday of the American Flag this past Flag Day. The essay contest’s theme was “What the American Flag Means to Me.” The contest winners’ accomplishments are now recorded as a part of Clarkstown’s permanent archives.
In 2006, the Town Clerk began an initiative in which residents were invited to bring old, worn, torn or faded American Flags to the Town Clerk’s Office so the flags could be retired in a proper Flag Retirement Ceremony. “Many people who returned flags had a story to tell, so why not offer everyone a forum to express these heartfelt feelings,” said Carlucci. “I hope those who participated in the contest took away a deeper meaning and maybe even a newfound respect for the American Flag.”

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