Friday, December 21, 2007

Text for Absentee Ballot!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci has long been a proponent of making the services of government as accessible and user friendly as possible. Now, David Carlucci is asking those who will be out of town for the Presidential Primary on February 5th to apply for an absentee ballot. To make this process as simple as possible, Carlucci has created an easy way to get an absentee ballot! All you have to do is get out your cell phone and apply now! Just text the word ‘ABSENTEE’ to 41411 from any cell phone. You will get a message back within a minute giving you all the information you need to apply for the absentee ballot. The text you receive will give you a link to the absentee application, then just fill out the form, print, sign, and mail to the Board of Elections at 11 New Hempstead Road, New City, NY 10956. Voting is not just a right, but a privilege, a privilege that Americans can’t take for granted. If you will be away at school, on vacation or unable to make it to the polls for any reason on Primary Day and have not applied for your absentee ballot yet, do it today. For further information contact David Carlucci at (845) 639-2010 or visit

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