Monday, June 4, 2007

I caught you doing something great!

David Carlucci, Clarkstown’s Town Clerk, has announced a new program open to all Clarkstown residents. The idea is to give praise to the residents of our community that go above and beyond, going out of their way to help others and making our community a great place to live. If you catch someone doing a good deed, or anything truly inspiring, e-mail that person’s name and what it is that they did to the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office at They will then be honored with a certificate of merit and their name and good deed will be recorded in the Town Clerk’s official archives, which will be kept on file forever! These great people and their actions will also be featured right here on the Town Clerk’s Official Blog, Carlucci stated, “At the clerk’s office, I get many calls about people that are doing the wrong things. I figure, why don’t we honor the people that really deserve it, the average citizen that goes out of their way to improve the quality of life for all of us?” By helping one person we set the ball in motion and create a ripple effect throughout our own community! Do something great today! Look around and you might catch someone doing something great!


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