Friday, December 21, 2007

Text for Absentee Ballot!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci has long been a proponent of making the services of government as accessible and user friendly as possible. Now, David Carlucci is asking those who will be out of town for the Presidential Primary on February 5th to apply for an absentee ballot. To make this process as simple as possible, Carlucci has created an easy way to get an absentee ballot! All you have to do is get out your cell phone and apply now! Just text the word ‘ABSENTEE’ to 41411 from any cell phone. You will get a message back within a minute giving you all the information you need to apply for the absentee ballot. The text you receive will give you a link to the absentee application, then just fill out the form, print, sign, and mail to the Board of Elections at 11 New Hempstead Road, New City, NY 10956. Voting is not just a right, but a privilege, a privilege that Americans can’t take for granted. If you will be away at school, on vacation or unable to make it to the polls for any reason on Primary Day and have not applied for your absentee ballot yet, do it today. For further information contact David Carlucci at (845) 639-2010 or visit

Monday, December 17, 2007

Evening Hours!

It seems there is never enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we need to get done. More and more, our work hours encroach upon our personal time, leaving the weekend to rush around, robbing us of what little time we have for family and relaxation. To make matters worse, many errands require taking time off from work, costing us either personal or sick time. Therefore, I am pleased to say that the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office offers evening hours on the nights of the Town Board meetings, the next evening hours will be Tuesday December 18th as we will be open until 8pm.
My mission has been to make the Town Clerk’s Office more accessible to the residents of Clarkstown. Offering evening hours enables residents to avoid the inconvenience of having to take off work simply to avail themselves of the many services we offer. This can be a particular nuisance for couples seeking a marriage license, since it necessitates two people leaving their jobs just to apply.
Tuesday December 18th the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office will remain open until 8pm. My goal has always been to improve the lives of Clarkstown’s residents, with the extended hours being an integral component of achieving that goal.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Join Your Clerk on Facebook

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci has started a group on Facebook called Clarkstown Town Clerk. At this Facebook group you can stay up to date with what is happening in your Town Clerk's Office. To join Go to Facebook has signed up over 100,000 new registrations per day since the beginning of 2007. Carlucci stated, “It is my mission to make the services of government as accessible as possible. I believe that tools like facebook allow people to easily take advantage of the many government services available to them!” For further information call David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 or go to

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I volunteered with my sister Beth for Meals on Wheels! I have been volunteering with my sister for a few Thanksgivings now. It is a small fun way to give thanks to our community! Meals on Wheels is a non profit organization that has volunteers that delivery food to people that are home bound, this program runs all year long and they are always looking for volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering call Meals on Wheels at (845) 624-6325 or stop by the Rockland HQ’s located at 121 West Nyack Road, Nanuet, NY 10954

Thursday, November 15, 2007

E-Records Symposium

New York State Archives Region 9 Advisory Committee recently sponsored an E-Records Symposium at the Suffern Free Library. The E-Records Symposium covered many topics of importance to people responsible for record keeping! There were over 50 local and state government attendees from Rockland, Westchester, Dutchess, Putnam, Orange Counties, and NYC. Some of the many topics included, Trends in Electronic Records Management, Freedom of Information Law, Geographic Information Systems in Local Government, Retention and Disposition of Electronic Records, as well as many other very important issues. This event was made possible by County Archivist Peter Scheibner, Ramapo Clerk Chris Sampson, Clarkstown Clerk David Carlucci, Michele Lowy, Wappinger Clerk Chris Masterson, Regional Advisory Officer Linda Bull, Patty Dohrenwend, Mount Vernon Clerk Lisa Copeland, David Lowry, and Vina Shah.

Carlucci Speaks at Little Tor Elementary

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci spoke with 5th graders at Little Tor Elementary School in New City. The students learned about the role of a town clerk in their local government and the many services provided to the residents of Clarkstown. Carlucci stated, “I always enjoy coming to speak to elementary school classes. The students are so enthusiastic and inquisitive. Perhaps the information they learn will spark some interest in possibly pursuing a career in public service.” Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci is inviting community members to a seminar on Charitable Gaming on Tuesday October 30, 2007. Charitable Gaming is an activity that many non-profit organizations utilize for fundraising.
The two hour seminar will take place at the Clarkstown Town Hall Auditorium from 7pm-9pm. Representatives from the New York State Racing and Wagering Board will be present to conduct this seminar. Topics covered will include: Bingo, Games of Chance, Financial reporting procedures, New 190A Raffle Law, and the legal view on Texas Hold ‘Em. A question and answer session will also follow.
David Carlucci held two previous seminars, which were very successful. “Charitable Gaming is a fun way for charitable organizations to increase their fundraising revenues,” said the Clarkstown Town Clerk. “The goal of this seminar is to help non-profits raise money, by providing the necessary information.” To stay up to date with all the latest programs and events from your Town Clerk go to and sign up to receive your e-newsletter..

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Carlucci & Piperato Team Up to Process Over 50 Passports

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci teamed up with Rockland County Clerk Paul Piperato to offer Rockland residents the opportunity to apply for or renew their passports at Clarkstown Town Hall during the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s evening hours. The Clarkstown Town Clerk’s evening hours took place on Tuesday, September 25th 2007, from 5PM – 8PM. Representatives from the Rockland County Clerk’s processed over 50 passports. For further information, please call (845) 639-2010 or go to the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s web site,


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Carlucci Sponsors Internet Safety Seminar

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci is inviting community members to a seminar called, “A Parent’s Guide to the Internet.” The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services – Missing and Exploited Children Clearinghouse staff will address dangers that put children at risk every time they go online, including: online enticement, access by children to inappropriate sites and cyber bullying. Other issues to be discussed are: email, instant messaging, blogs and social networking sites, such as Safety tips and rules will be suggested, as well as a demonstration on setting parental controls. Carlucci stated, “I am dedicated to improving the safety of children in our community. By bringing comprehensive programs like Operation Safechild, Doggone Safe’s dogbite prevention seminar, and this Internet Safety Seminar, it is my hope to keep Clarkstown’s families’ informed about maintaining the safety of their children.” The one hour seminar will take place at the Clarkstown Town Hall Auditorium on October 22nd from 7pm-8pm. Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Carlucci Awarded State Grant

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci is pleased to announce that his office has been awarded a Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Grant (LGRMIF) in the sum of $ 40,264. According to Carlucci, “The Town Clerk’s Office is responsible for maintaining and managing records for Clarkstown dating back to 1752. We have grown from a population of 2,000 to over 85,000. Managing and preserving 255 years worth of documents, with many being historical and fragile, in a more efficient manner, has been my goal since taking office in 2006.” The LGRMIF Grant will fund the microfilming, digitizing, and indexing of Board Minutes, Local Laws, and related Town records, as well as, approximately 42 cubic feet of Vital Statistics (Death, Birth, and Marriage).
The Town records, some of which are of great historical value, exist as paper records. These records are vulnerable should a disaster strike, and the multiple requests for records the Clerk's Office handles on a daily basis require time-consuming searches of these paper records.
“In a post-Katrina world,” stated Carlucci, “we can see how imperative it is to safeguard our Vital Statistics as part of an effective Emergency Management Program. Many Clarkstown residents had devastating losses from April’s nor’easter. I want our residents to be confident that their vital records will be readily available.” Carlucci continued, “With identity theft being so prevalent, this grant will go a long way in assuring that social security numbers are redacted from any vital records disseminated.”
Microfilming and digitizing the Clerk's records was selected as the optimum technology for protecting the hundreds of years of records, providing disaster recovery capability in various media, and expediting retrieval. Carlucci is looking forward to embarking on this extensive project, which will further improve accessibility to public records. Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Join Your Town Clerk on Facebook

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci has started a new group on Facebook called Clarkstown Town Clerk. At this Facebook group you can stay up to date with what is happening in your Town Clerk's Office. Go to to join Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Facebook group today! For further information call David Carlucci at 845-639-2010.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Carlucci Honors Proud Americans

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci acknowledged Sister Stephen Gerard, O.P., Principal of St. Paul School, Valley Cottage, Nina Kwiecinski, Daughter of the American Revolution, Shatemuc Chapter, Stony Point, and Joseph Miele, Korean War Veteran, New City, with Certificates of Achievement at the August 14th Town Board Meeting held at Clarkstown Town Hall. They were recognized for being the winners of the first essay contest sponsored by Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci in honor of the 230th birthday of the American Flag this past Flag Day. The essay contest’s theme was “What the American Flag Means to Me.” The contest winners’ accomplishments are now recorded as a part of Clarkstown’s permanent archives.
In 2006, the Town Clerk began an initiative in which residents were invited to bring old, worn, torn or faded American Flags to the Town Clerk’s Office so the flags could be retired in a proper Flag Retirement Ceremony. “Many people who returned flags had a story to tell, so why not offer everyone a forum to express these heartfelt feelings,” said Carlucci. “I hope those who participated in the contest took away a deeper meaning and maybe even a newfound respect for the American Flag.”

Monday, August 13, 2007

Get Bling for Your Blog!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci has recently created a Widget for Clarkstown residents. A widget is a tiny free software program that can be dragged, dropped or embedded into anyone’s blog, website, facebook, myspace, or any other social networking site. Carlucci’s widget gives you up to the second headlines about what is going on in the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s office. Carlucci stated, “My mission is to make the office as accessible and user-friendly as possible. I’m constantly thinking of ways to innovate the office and this widget is a great way to keep residents up to date with the many new programs and services available.” Through the implementation of many new technolgical advancements, the Town Clerk’s office has been able to drive down the cost of doing business while increasing the quality of service to our residents. The Clerk’s widget is easy to get; just go to, click on the widget and follow the simple instructions. Any questions call David Carlucci at 845-639-2010.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Carlucci Teams with County Clerk

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci is pleased to announce that he is teaming up with Rockland County Clerk Paul Piperato to offer Rockland residents the opportunity to apply for or renew their passports at Clarkstown Town Hall during the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s evening hours. The Clarkstown Town Clerk’s evening hours will take place on Tuesday, September 25th 2007, from 5PM – 8PM. Representatives from the Rockland County Clerk’s Office will be available at the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office, 10 Maple Avenue, New City, from 6PM - 8PM, to help those wishing to apply for or renew their passports. For further information, please call (845) 639-2010 or go to the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s web site,


Friday, August 3, 2007

Historic Map Comes Home to Clarkstown

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Jean Adams Bolton for her donation to the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office of a replica of a Rockland County map drawn by R.F. O’Connor in 1854. The historic map had hung in the office of her father, Charles R. Adams, Jr., who was employed by the Town of Clarkstown from 1946 to 1975. During his tenure with the town, Mr. Adams served as Deputy Town Clerk, Coordinator of Sewer Construction, Director of Purchasing, and Comptroller.
His daughter was also kind enough to include an old newspaper clipping about her father’s retirement in 1975. In it, Charles R. Adams, Jr. was quoted as saying, “You should have seen New City in 1946. Just 1500 people, a one truck fire dept., and no street lights.” He went on to talk about his days as a Volunteer Fireman with the West Nyack Fire Co., “when there were no hydrants. We used to fight fires with water pumped from lakes, ponds, streams, and wells.”
Needless to say, MUCH has changed in New City, with a population of approximately 35,000, totaling nearly 85,000 for all of Clarkstown. While Mr. Adams spoke of doing calculations without benefit of calculators or computers, we are about to embark on a digital imaging project of the town clerk’s records, having been recently awarded a state grant.
I am very appreciative of Mrs. Bolton’s thoughtfulness in donating this beautiful map. She stated in her letter to me, “I know my father would have enjoyed its return to 10 Maple Avenue.” Indeed, now Charles R. Adams, Jr.’s map sits proudly on the wall of the Town Clerk’s Office office, having come full circle to its original home. Any residents who wish to come view the map are welcome to do so at the Town Clerk’s Office. I am grateful to Mrs. Bolton for her generous donation and for sharing her father’s long history of service to Clarkstown, as I look forward to having the honor of serving the people of Clarkstown for many years to come.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Bill Clinton Visits Clarkstown

The other day I had the unique opportunity to meet our former President Bill Clinton. President Clinton was in Clarkstown to speak to residents about his experience in the White House and where he thinks the United States is headed. Bill spoke for about an hour and one of the main ideas that came across is how government must embrace technology to better serve all residents. I was very happy to see Bill Clinton acknowledge how technology is changing everyday, and how through the right implementation, we can improve the quality of service to our residents, while driving down the cost of government. This is something that I strongly believe and have worked hard to implement right here in Clarkstown!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Text Alerts From the Town Clerk

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci is offering a new service where residents can sign up to receive Text Message Alerts right on their Cell Phone. It’s simple; just text the word CLARKSTOWN to 41411 and you will be signed up to receive Text Alerts right on your cell phone. This will keep you in the loop as to the many programs and services provided by the Town Clerk’s office, such as the Mobile Office, evening hours, and many other services. Carlucci stated, “In the year 2008, telecommunication experts predict that 1.5 trillion text messages will be sent in the United States alone.” This is a growing technology, so why not incorporate it into a service that will make our local government more accessible and user-friendly? “My commitment to our residents and to future generations is that the Town Clerk’s office is fitted with the infrastructure to take advantage of whatever technological advances may become available, and I believe that text messaging is one of those advancements.”

Friday, July 27, 2007

Cornell Municipal Clerks Institute

This past week, I had the great fortune of participating in my second year at the Cornell Municipal Clerks Institute, located in Ithaca, New York. The Cornell Municipal Clerks Institute is a premium educational opportunity provided by a partnership between the City and Village Clerks and the Town Clerks Associations of the State of New York and Cornell University's Community and Rural Development Institute (CaRDI). Small classroom lectures, hands-on computer labs, group activities, self-evaluations, and informal discussions are all used during these trainings. After completing 100 hours of this program, I will be eligible to become a Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC). From my participation, I have gained new knowledge and skills and enhanced the administration of the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s office. If you know any Municipal Clerks, encourage them to enroll in this great program! For more info about the Cornell Municipal Clerks Institute, go to

Friday, July 20, 2007

Carlucci Swears In One Of Clarkstown's Finest

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci had the honor of swearing in one of Clarkstown Police Department’s Finest, Police Officer Jason R. Manzella, on July 19, 2007. Officer Manzella took an oath to protect and serve the people of Clarkstown in Chief Peter Noonan’s office, surrounded by his family. The commitment Police Officer Jason R. Manzella and his family have made to our community is to be commended.

Register to Vote with your Cell Phone!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci has long been a proponent of getting eligible citizens registered to vote. In the 2006 election, 18-29 year olds represented only 13% of all votes cast. This is a steady increase from previous years, but more of America’s youth need to get their voices heard. In an effort to increase voter turnout in the younger demographic, David Carlucci is making voter registration easier via a type of technology used daily. Now, registering to vote is as easy as using your cell phone to text a message. The same text-messaging service on your mobile phone that you use to send messages to friends like, “Where r u?,” can simply be used to help you ROCK THE VOTE! Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci is asking those who are not registered to vote or who have moved and need to register at their new address, to get out their cell phones and REGISTER NOW! Just text the keyword ‘clerk’ to 75444 from any cell phone. You’ll get a message asking for your e-mail address via a short text-message conversation. The e-mail you receive will give you state-specific instructions. Then just print, sign, and mail. Voting is not just a right, but a privilege, a privilege that Americans can’t take for granted. If you have not registered to vote yet, do it today.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

200th Wedding Ceremony on 7/7/7!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci officiated at his 200th wedding ceremony on 7/7/7, which may be the busiest day for weddings in history, due to the lucky number seven. Congers residents, Anthony and Eileen Bacchi, chose to join the wave of couples marrying on 7/7/7 throughout the world. The nuptials took place at Germonds Park in West Nyack, which also happened to be Serendipity Saturday at the park. Carlucci stated, “Mr. and Mrs. Bacchi surely made the day even more serendipitous. It was a great honor to officiate at their wedding and I wish them all the luck in their future together.”

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Carlucci Appointed by Acting Commissioner of Education

I am very excited that I have recently been appointed by New York State's Acting Commissioner of Education, Kathy A. Ahearn, to the Local Government Records Regional Advisory Committee for Region 9. The Regional Advisory Committees advise the New York State Archives and the Local Governments Records Advisory Council (LGRAC) on the delivery of regional advisory services and grants-in-aid to local governments under the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund. The Regional Advisory Committees operate under procedures adopted by the New York State Archives. Working with my esteemed colleagues throughout the region in formulating measures that seek to improve the services provided by the Records Management Officers in our local governments is going to be awesome! Please let me know if you have any suggestions or questions.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Congresswoman Nita Lowey & Carlucci Team Up For Mobile Office

Teaming up with Congresswoman Nita Lowey was a great success! The many services of the Town Clerks Office were provided to our residents while they did their grocery shopping on the weekend! Residents also were able to talk with Congresswoman Lowey about whatever concerns they wished to discuss! This mobile office was a lot of fun, and really fits my mission to make the services of government as accessible and user friendly as possible!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Student Goverment Day

Recently, the students at Clarkstown High School North, (my alma mater), shadowed myself and many other government officials for the day at the Clarkstown Town Hall. I was very impressed with the enthusiasm and interest the students had in the actions of their local government. When I was a sophomore at CHSN, I had the good fortune to shadow a town official for the day, and it truly inspired me to get involved in my local government. I believe that any time students are challenged to think about how they can contribute to the community, everyone benefits! I can't wait to do this again, and I would like to invite any school or organization to contact me if they would like to set up a student government day or even a tour of the Town Hall!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Watch Town Clerk on Cablevison On Demand

This past Thursday I was interviewed for the Local Cablevision show Meet The Leaders. I thought the interview went well as I got to talk about the many new programs available at the Town Clerks Office. You can watch the show Meet The Leaders on public access, however now you can watch it any time via "Local On Demand". Here's how,
1. Press you iO, guide button or switch to ch. 500.
2. Select "On Demand"
3. Select "Free On Demand"
4. Select "Local On Demand"
5. Select "Hudson Valley"
6. Select "Meet/Leaders-Carlucci"
7. Select "Play"
8. Select "OK"
Remember this is FREE: You have the option to fast forward, rewind or pause at your leisure. I hope you will be able to watch the interview, and let me now what you think!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Free Fishing This Weekend!

As the licensing agent for fishing licenses in Clarkstown, I wanted to inform the public that during the last weekend in June, anyone can fish New York State waters for free. No license will be required on June 23-24, 2007. So, whether you’re a first-time fisherman or a seasoned angler, please take advantage of New York State’s free fishing days and the many fishing spots throughout our state. “Better yet, why not test your fishing skills out at the picturesque fishing spots right here in Clarkstown?” Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Evening Hours!

It seems there is never enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we need to get done. More and more, our work hours encroach upon our personal time, leaving the weekend to rush around, robbing us of what little time we have for family and relaxation. To make matters worse, many errands require taking time off from work, costing us either personal or sick time. Therefore, I am pleased to say that the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office offers evening hours on the nights of the Town Board meetings, the next evening hours will be Tuesday June 19th as we will be open until 8pm.
Prior to my election in November 2005, I had promised to make the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office more accessible to the residents of Clarkstown. Offering evening hours enables residents to avoid the inconvenience of having to take off work simply to avail themselves of the many services we offer. This can be a particular nuisance for couples seeking a marriage license, since it necessitates two people leaving their jobs just to apply.
Tuesday June 19th the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office will remain open until 8pm. My goal has always been to improve the lives of Clarkstown’s residents, with the extended hours being an integral component of achieving that goal.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

What the American Flag Means to Me

The American Flag means different things to different people, and thus evokes a diversity of feelings in all of us. Whether our family arrived on these shores many generations ago or we are part of a more recent wave of immigrants, whether we can trace our family’s roots to our great Native American Nations or we have only just gained our citizenship, we all share one thing in common; we are Americans and this is our flag. Wherever we go, we represent our flag as much as it represents us. It is our nation’s oldest and finest symbol, and yet, symbolically, we are its greatest reflection.

When our courageous armed forces go to distant shores to defend those whose rights are not protected by their own nations, these valiant young women and men epitomize what the color red stands for in our flag: valor and bravery. When our sons and daughters cheer on the kid who finally made his first hit at a little league game, even though the team is scoreless, those players represent the true nature of what the color white means in our flag: innocence and purity. Lastly, the blue stands for vigilance, perseverance, and justice. Perhaps Americans represent themselves and our flag best when we consider we are the nation who is the largest supporter of charities and has set the example worldwide on making volunteerism a priority. Be it the busy mom making sandwiches for a local soup kitchen for the homeless, or a teenager forgoing a fun filled summer break for a more fulfilling summer spent building homes in the Gulf states for people who lost everything, or a physician donating her expertise to Doctors Without Borders in the war ravaged refugee camps of Darfur, Americans are ever vigilant in their giving and seeking to bring justice to those with no voice of their own.

The question is, what will we do to best honor the American Flag? How will we represent our nation? If we are grateful for our liberty, then we should work to preserve freedom for those who lack it. If we are grateful for the prosperity that our country allows us to achieve, then we should make an effort to spread the abundance we are so fortunate to have to those who have none. Traditionally, the United States is a nation of doers. By taking proactive steps to make this world a better place, we are showing not only our gratitude for living in a land that offers so much; we are showing what it means to be a true American.

The Flag of the United States of America is a source of pride that deserves our deepest respect. Volunteerism is one way to show how much we respect our flag. Another way to respect a flag properly, when it is ready to be retired, is to burn it in a special Flag Retirement Ceremony. That is why I am asking the residents of Clarkstown to drop off their old, worn flags to the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office at 10 Maple Avenue, New City, N.Y. We will then make sure the flags are retired in the proper manner.

This year, I am instituting a new essay contest open to all Clarkstown residents. The essay’s theme is: “What the American Flag Means to Me.” Type-written essays should be submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office by June 30, 2007, and include the writer’s name, address, age, and a phone number. The contest winner’s achievement and name will be written in an archival book that will become part of the Town of Clarkstown’s permanent archives.

June 14th of this year marks the 230th birthday of the US Flag. So on this Flag Day, we should all strive to think about what the American Flag means to each one of us. More importantly, we should strive to think about how we, as Americans, want to represent our flag and our nation. Being an American is more than what it says on our passport and waving a flag at a parade. Being an American is more than what we are; it is something that we do!


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Immigration Fees To Increase After July 30th!

I always find it gratifying, when attending naturalization ceremonies, to witness the look of pride upon the faces of America’s newest citizens as they realize their dream. Often, these new Americans came to our shores for the same reasons that many of our own ancestors, including my own, came to our great country, for a better life. The path here is usually arduous, and for many, even after arriving, becoming a United States Citizen or even a permanent resident is a daunting process. However, the rewards of attaining US Citizenship is worth any price to the millions who seek to achieve it.
Nonetheless, that price is to increase, at least monetarily; therefore, those seeking to adjust their immigration status should try to do so prior to the proposed fee increases taking effect on July 30th. The application fee for citizenship and the fee for becoming a legal permanent resident are due to increase dramatically according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). These increases are proposed in order to cover the costs of processing applications. As a result, USCIS expects to process applications 20 percent faster over the next three years.
Many who are deciding to adjust their status are likely to find the proposed fee increases a hardship, as such, applying prior to the increases taking effect on July 30th 2007, would seem like a wise choice. Becoming a citizen will also provide individuals with all the rights that every American enjoys, including ease of travel. One of the greatest rights American citizenship will afford is the right to vote. Living in a nation and being able to help decide its future, through the right to vote, is a privilege that makes all Americans equal, whether we are born a US Citizen or choose to become one. As Supreme Court Justice, Louis Brandeis, so accurately stated, "The only title in our democracy superior to that of President is the title of citizen."
Before my current position as Clarkstown Town Clerk, I had the great fortune of serving Congressman Engel as assistant for his Rockland District office. Most of my time there was spent helping Rockland residents navigate through the process of applying for citizenship, permanent residency and many other immigration applications. Even if you already have a green card or a naturalization certificate, I would strongly recommend that you take a good look around and make sure that you have not misplaced these important documents because the fee for replacing them will also increase dramatically after July 30th.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Put The Clerk's Widget On Your Page!!

See this thing at the bottom of this post that says, "Get my widget?" Well, if you click on that, you will be given directions on how you can put it on your FaceBook, Myspace, blog, website or any other social networking site! What the widget will do is have all the headlines about what is going on in the clerk’s office! It will keep you and your friends up to date as to what is going on right here in Clarkstown! Do it today. Go ahead and get my widget and put it on your page!!

Helping Little Hands Do Great Things!

Today, while I was at Clarkstown North participating in the Voter Registration Drive, I was invited to stop by one of the clubs. The club is called Helping Little Hands. They explained to me what they do and gave me some examples of some of the great activities they have engaged in throughout the year! What they do is try to raise money and they donate it to the people that need it most. The students told me about how they participated in March of Dimes, held a toy drive, and collected shoe boxes that they filled with goodies for children in third world countries! This sounded like a great program and I think this whole group of students deserves to be recognized for "Doing Something Great."

Voter Drive Great Success

Today I teamed up with Clarkstown High School North Students to hold a voter registration drive right at the High School! We registered 15 students and I am going back tomorrow to do it again! I was really surprised at how many students actually wanted to register, many of them had said that they were wanting to register for a while but did not know were to do it or just did not have the time! Many of the students that were not 18 yet still seemed interested and I think it cemented the idea with them that as soon as they are of age they will register and not even think twice about it! Update: in all we registered 40 students to vote, in only two hours!

Monday, June 4, 2007

I caught you doing something great!

David Carlucci, Clarkstown’s Town Clerk, has announced a new program open to all Clarkstown residents. The idea is to give praise to the residents of our community that go above and beyond, going out of their way to help others and making our community a great place to live. If you catch someone doing a good deed, or anything truly inspiring, e-mail that person’s name and what it is that they did to the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s Office at They will then be honored with a certificate of merit and their name and good deed will be recorded in the Town Clerk’s official archives, which will be kept on file forever! These great people and their actions will also be featured right here on the Town Clerk’s Official Blog, Carlucci stated, “At the clerk’s office, I get many calls about people that are doing the wrong things. I figure, why don’t we honor the people that really deserve it, the average citizen that goes out of their way to improve the quality of life for all of us?” By helping one person we set the ball in motion and create a ripple effect throughout our own community! Do something great today! Look around and you might catch someone doing something great!


Saturday, June 2, 2007

Carlucci Teams with Congresswoman Lowey

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci is pleased to announce that he will be offering weekend hours, in the form of a mobile office, on Saterday June 16th, 2007. Therefore, the residents of Clarkstown will have the benefit of utilizing the Town Clerk’s services on a day that might be more convenient for them, without having to take time off work. Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci believes setting up mobile offices in different locations throughout Clarkstown will serve as a further convenience to the residents of Clarkstown, so that they may complete multiple errands at the same time.

At The next mobile office Carlucci will team up With Congresswoman Nita Lowey on Saturday, June 16th, 2007, at the New City Shoprite., from 11AM – 1PM. This way "Clarkstown residents will be able to kill three birds with one stone" They can do their grocery shoping, recive a dog lisense & voice a concern or ask a question to their Congresswoman all at one convient time and location. All forms and applications will be available, free Notary Services, dog licenses will be processed with proof of rabies vaccinations, handicapped parking tags will be issued, and even marriages can be performed with a valid Marriage License.

David Carlucci stated, “By providing a mobile office, Clarkstown’s residents will be able to accomplish three tasks at once. They can do business with the Town Clerk’s Office & talk to Congresswoman Lowey while doing their grocery shopping!” Future dates and locations of the Clarkstown Town Clerk’s mobile office and weekend hours will be posted on this blog when available and on our web site, For further information, please call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at (845) 639-2010

Friday, May 11, 2007

Carlucci’s Mobile Office A Huge Success

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci's Mobile Office teamed up with the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services’ Operation Safe Child Program and processed just under 50 cards for children under the age of 18 at the Nanuet Library. SAFE CHILD Cards serve as an important tool when used in conjunction with the New York State AMBER Alert and Missing Child Alert programs. Due the success of this event and interest expressed by concerned parents, Carlucci plans to invite representatives from Operation Safe Child again in autumn. Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions. Carlucci stated, "If this program helps locate just one child, then it was well worth it."

Carlucci Promotes Effort to Reduce Dog Bites

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci will be sponsoring a seminar on dog bite prevention, in honor of National Dog Bite Prevention Week, at Clarkstown Town Hall, 10 Maple Avenue, New City, NY, on May 17, 2007, at 8 P.M. in room 311. Dog bites are one of the nation’s most commonly reported public health problems, despite being largely preventable. Alarmingly, more than 50% of children are bitten by age 12. Therefore, as the licensing authority for issuing dog licenses, Carlucci feels a responsibility about taking action in educating residents on this important safety issue.

In order to raise awareness and in hopes of promoting dog safety in our community, Clarkstown Town Clerk, David Carlucci, has invited Teresa Lewin, a renowned Animal Behavior Specialist and Dog Bite Prevention Educator from Doggone Safe, a not for profit organization, to provide an informative seminar for residents. The seminar will provide empowering information to promote healthy, safe, dog friendly communities! This program is an excellent opportunity for parents, dog owners, or anyone who is around dogs– Learn to speak dog!

Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci and Doggone Safe are also co-sponsoring a poster contest open to all Clarkstown Schools, grades K-5. The winner will be recognized in writing from David Carlucci, Clarkstown Town Clerk with a certificate for a free “Be a Tree” dog bite prevention education program for their entire class from Doggone Safe, Inc. ($150 value). The winning poster will also be featured on their website,, as the winner! (see below for contest rules)

With almost 5 million victims of dog bites annually in America, Town Clerk Carlucci urges residents to educate themselves at this important seminar. Please visit or call Clarkstown Town Clerk David Carlucci at 845-639-2010 for more information or questions.
